How intelligent technology makes solar cells invisible.
In Winterthur, Switzerland, a novelty in solar building integration systems was realized in cooperation with the company Amena AG. A special glass coating optimized for solar transparency creates a unique visual effect:
A wooden balcony - but one that actively generates solar power!
Even on closer examination, the solar modules built by a2-solar cannot be distinguished from a wooden board. These balcony railing elements were designed as laminated glass-glass elements, whereby both glass sheets were permanently coated in a timber design using a special ceramic printing process.
The total output of the system yields approx. 0.5 kWp by only 4 solar modules. In comparison to a normal solar module, approx. 70 % of the output is achieved on this coated surface. This system was designed as a supplement to an existing roof-mounted solar plant and is integrated into it by using optimizers.
Thus, there are no limits anymore to realize any of your individual wishes in specific solar module optics.
It does not matter whether in wooden, stone, textile or simply full-surface covering color optics, we at a2-solar are happy to build your own idea of a solar module according to your specific desires and requirements– not only in colors or optics but also in size.
Are you looking for solar applications to "activate" your building envelope? Just give us a call: We will be happy to elaborate your individual solar concept according to your wishes and specifications.
Building-integration Germany and international
Photo copy rights: Amena AG
a2-solar builds solar modules which cannot be distinguished from a wooden board.